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Streets In The Sky

After a recent visit to a couple of Sheffield's finest derps with Nightcaller, I was invited to join him and the other Sheffield lads for an evening of claustrophobia and sightseeing. Of course, I was only too happy to accept. Our target for the evening was the infamous Park Hill Flats, the iconic estate of council flats which overlooks Sheffield city centre. Reconnaissance had already been undertaken by the Sheffield lads and a previous explore had proved the theories regarding access. The objective this time was to reach the rooftop of one of the tallest blocks which directly overlooks the city centre.

(click to enlarge)

Mine being a last minute invitation and not knowing the full details, I just went with the flow. Probably for the best as, if I'd known just how much climbing was involved I may have had second thoughts. Access was counterintuitive to say the least. To go up, first we had to go down, but to go down first we had to go up! After lots of climbing, dodging, squeezing, more climbing, stooping, stepping through manky water and a few dead ends, we had one more nightmare of a climb. Finally, after a heart-stopping moment involving falling debris inside the tightest service shaft imaginable, we were there. Upon seeing the view of Sheffield city centre, all lit up like a Christmas tree, all that climbing and squeezing was suddenly so worth it.

(click to enlarge)

It was great to see Muttley & Nightcaller again and it was an absolute pleasure to meet and explore with the other Sheffield lads. I hope it was the first of many. 


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We think of those nights spent with one or more friends, nights when we merged with the shadows and could see the world with eyes that were not our own.

Whipplesnaith - The Night Climbers of Cambridge (1937)
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