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It's Good To Talk

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When myself and Kaplan first started hitting rooftops in Sheffield, this place was one of the first to go on 'the list'. It's the eighth tallest building in Sheffield, however if you discount church spires and clock towers (without a 'rooftop' as such), it actually ranks fifth. Regardless of statistics, it needed topping.

We've been keeping a regular eye on the place and eventually after months of waiting, watching, checking and hoping, finally Kaplan announced that he'd spotted some tell-tale signs. Coincidentally, Tablets had also been watching the place, so a collaborative effort was made to investigate further.

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Props to Kaplan for dispelling my usual defeatist attitude and proving that the gap wasn't as tight as it looked. Props also to Tablets for not pissing all over our exit.

Someday, when the development is complete and the students have moved in, we'll top it again. But until then...

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We think of those nights spent with one or more friends, nights when we merged with the shadows and could see the world with eyes that were not our own.

Whipplesnaith - The Night Climbers of Cambridge (1937)
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